[Devops Basics ]: Introduction to Computer Networking

[Devops Basics ]:
                           Introduction to Computer Networking

Table of contents

This article is part of a series called Devops Basics where I am documenting what I am learning on my journey to become a Devops Engineer from a noobie.


Computer Network: It is collection of computers interconnected with each other for the purpose of sharing data and resources.


Internet: It is a vast computers network at Global Level for the purpose of sharing information and communication from anywhere through Internet.


World Wide Web: It is commonly referred as Web and it is an interconnected system of webpages that can be accessed by their U.R.L(Uniform Resources Locator)

Webpages are collection of Text, Documents, Images and Videos etc.

Protocol: Set of rules that computers must follow for proper communication.

Computers in a Network uses Protocol in order to communicate with each other.

Internet Society: It is an international non profit organization that governs rule for Internet.

Client/Server Architecture: In Client/Server Architecture, client make a service request to Server through Internet and Server accept the request then process it and responds accordingly.

Servers hosts, deliver and manage most of the resources and services requested by the client.


Client server architecture example:

1)Mail Servers 2)File Servers 3)Web Servers


That's it !

Don't hesitate to comment to point out some mistakes or make some precisions.

As i said in the beginning, i am still studying these concepts :)

See you in the next one ! 🤖🤖🤖